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The Vrtba Garden 

CASUS Together with three other Baroque gardens (Vratislav, Schönborn and Lobkowicz), the Vrtba Garden is situated on the slope of Petřín Hill and is one of the most precious and beautiful of Prague's Baroque gardens. The creation of this magnificent palace garden is associated with the construction boom around 1720. The garden was designed by František Maxmilián Kaňka, who first renovated the palace for Jan Josef, Count of Vrtba and then created the garden. Unlike the garden which retained its Baroque style without any significant changes, the Vrtba Palace underwent radical changes during the following centuries. The statue and sculpture decorations were created by Matyáš Bernard Braun. In addition, painter Václav Vavřinec Reiner was involved in the masterpiece. The interior decoration of the Sala Terrena has survived in its original designs until today. The fresco on the vault depicting Venus and Adonis was painted by Václav Vavřinec Reiner. In 1990 - 1998, the Vrtba Garden underwent overall reconstruction, following previous static reinforcement. The renovated garden was opened for public on 3 June 1998. The garden is owned by the City of Prague and managed by Casus Direct Mail a.s.

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Special evening of lights

We would like to invite you to a special evening of lights in the baroque Vrtba Garden on 31 October 2024 from to You can enjoy views of Prague at night.

The exhibition of paintings

In September, you can view the exhibition - Dagmar Přikrylová. The Exhibition ends 29.9.2024. We look forward to your visit

Exhibition of photos

In July, you can view the exhibition of photos - Kateřina Janišová - my love for the negativ. The Exibition ends 31 July. We look forward to your visit.

The exhibition of paintings

In June, you can view the exhibition - Jitka Vacková and Petra Bouška Kvapilová. The Exhibition ends 30.6.2024. We look forward to your visit

The exhibition of paintings

In May, you can view the exhibition - Katka Neveu. The Exhibition ends 31.5.2024. We look forward to your visit

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An Allegory of Art

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